Pick Your Colors

Do you want to select your own color combinations? Use this page to view some of your favorite combinations. When you are happy, just capture the screen image and send the result to me.

Background Colors
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Text Colors
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Just type the name of the color (red, blue, darkgreen, etc. into the desired text box, press "GO" and see the effect. You can also use the hexadecimal code for each number (#FFFFFF is white, #000000 is black, etc.). Be sure to precede the hex number with a "#" character.
The DevGuru Color Chart lists the English names for each color as well as the Hex code.



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John Calder, Owner

Over 20 years of software development and support at a major supplier to Fortune 500 companies. Responsible for product design, coding and testing, level 1, 2 and 3 support, technical publications, product marketing and quality assurance at various times during my career.
Our sales staff always acknowledged my products to be high quality, timely and full featured.

Years of close interaction with product marketing departments has given me a strong insight into what is needed to form and deliver a company's message. My technical publications background taught me effective techniques for delivering written descriptions.